360 Degrees
The 360° zodiac is divided into 12 equal 30° sections called signs. Each 30° section is fixed in the Zodiac they do not change position in the sky it starts with the sign of Aries at 0 degrees and each consecutive 30 degrees will be start of a new sign. as follows:
Aries 0 ~ ~ Libra `180
Taurus 30 ~ ~Scorpio 210
Gemini 60 ~ ~Sagittarius 240
Cancer 90 ~ ~Capricorn 270
Leo 120 ~ ~ Aquarius 300
Virgo 150 ~ ~ Pisces 330

Angle of Separation
A plant can be placed anywhere in the sky falling into the 12 Zodiac signs. So any planet and Leo for instance will be found within the 30° section where the stand from 120 degrees to 150 degrees lies. Any planet and Libra would be at least a hundred eighty degrees and less than two hundred and ten degrees and so on. We use specific distances between two or more planets to describe how the influence on the personality and human behavior will be. An aspect is an angle created between two or more planets. Aspect can be separating from or applying to the exact degree. This can weekend or build up the energy field that is felt. Does all aspects are not exact in orb or tolerance is set for each aspect to be considered. The following orbs are a guideline to begin with:
conjunctions and oppositions +/- 8 degrees
trines and squares +/- 5 degrees
quincunx and sextiles +/- 3 degrees
Regardless of the planets involved the angle created will influence the specific behaviors. Some considered good some consider bad .The conjunction , sextile and trine are considered favorable aspects whereas the square, quincunx and opposition are considered unfavorable aspects. Aspect are defined bye the angular distance used when dividing a 360° circle into equal parts.
Modern astrologers utilize six major aspects only but you can divide the 360-degree circle into much more than just the six major aspects. There are several minor aspects used for various reasons. The first 12 divisions are as follows:
Now that you got the big picture of what an aspect is let’s begin to get a visual. Look at the birth chart in 3D. Visualize the Royal Dinner you are guest seated in middle of the table .There are 5 guest (aspects)on each side and one guest in each end a total of 12 at the table (houses /signs )
There are two guests to your left to guess to your right the two seated closest to use 0 to 10 degrees apart are conjunct to you if they are both friends or there is mutual harmony this is good but if one or both are enemies in the sense that you have little or not anything in common or perhaps have actual open conflict this could be negative .Therefore some conjunctions can be positive and productive while others won’t be. The conjunction is the strongest aspect and the only one that can go either way.
The guest sitting immediately across (180° )the table from you is the opposition guest he or she is all but literally in your face . When you look straight ahead he or she is always looking in your face whether it’s on purpose or not you must remember that you also are all up in his or her face .Tensions can build so t’s important that you and them do everything possible to try to become friends and work to resolve any differences between you and not kick each other under the table just because you can.
Of the remaining guests and at the ends of table (you have to turn your head hard left or right to see them and that hurts your neck). For the most part they tend to ignore you while you ignore them Any means of communication are probably not that good and if there is any conversation you and they have yell across the table which is irritating to both of you and pissing off the other guests .
When you turn your head about half left or half right (120° ) two good friends seated (second from each end of the table ) on the tables other side . Communicating with either of them is relatively easy and pleasant they are not directly in your face neither do you have to turn your head uncomfortably to see them.
Think of a SEXTILE as your waiter or waitress , they are only beneficial when you take advantage of them
The QUINCUNX is the uninvited guest that pulls up a chair and takes food off your plate.