The houses in your birth chart identify the areas of life that we experience the effects of planetary aspects. There are twelve houses depicted as slices of the pie in a chart. The houses flow counter clockwise beginning at the far left of circle (9 o’clock)  also known as the Ascendant or Eastern  point.Because there are several house systems where the first house begins is the most significant calculation . Thus an accurate birth time is mandatory..The next house of significance is the tenth house referred to as the Mid heaven.These two points (ASC/MC) determine the sizes  of the remaining houses.

The sizes of  each sign.can be more or less than the set 30 degrees allotted per each house can vary. The twelve houses can be also identified by type

-grouped by 4(quadraplicity)

The 1st, 4th, 7th,and 10th houses(ASC/IC/DC/MC) are the Angular/Cardinal houses.

Houses 2, 5, 8, 11 are Succeed ant /Fixed houses

Houses 3, 6, 9, 12 are Cadentt /Mutable houses

-grouped  by 3(Triplicity )

Houses 1, 5, 9 are the houses of Life/ fire houses

Houses 2, 6, 10 are the $/Earth houses

Houses 3, 7, 11 are Relationship/Air houses

Houses 4, 8, 12 are houses of Endings/water houses

Click on the links below for detailed description of the twelve houses and house types.

Angular Houses 1 4 7 10

These are home to the cardinal signs

beginning of cycle

create and initiate

Succedant Houses 2 5 8 11

These  are home to the fixed signs

middle of cycle

sustainzbilty and endurance

Cadent Houses 3 6 9 12

these are home to the Mutable sign s

end of cycle

adaptation and change

1st House

First House

1st House/(-) Ascendant Angular, Cardinal,Fire, Life Aries,, Mars,  "I Am" 1st Quadrant, North /East Hemisphere  self identity

2nd House

Second House

2nd House (+) Succeedant, Fixed, Earth, $ Taurus, Venus "I Have" 1st Quadrant, North/East Hemisphere Values and material gain

3rd House

Third House

3rd House(-) Cadent, Mutable, Air, Relationship Gemini, Mercury, "I Think" 1st Quadrant North/East Hemisphere Communication, siblings, neighbors, short distance travel

Fourth House

.4th House(+) Angular, Cardinal, water, Endings Cancer,Moon, "I Feel" 2nd Quadrant, North/West Hemisphere Home, family, motrher, foundation

5th House (-)

Succedant, Fixed, Fire, Life

Leo,  Sun, “I will”

2nd Quadrant, North/East Hemisphere

Creative expression, joy, romantic encounters

6th house(+)

Cadent Mutable Earth $

virgo  Mercury  “I analyze”

2nd Quadrant North/East Hemisphere 

daily work habits health and service to others.

7th House (-)Descendant (DC)

Angular  Cardinal Air Relationship 

Libra Venus  “I relate “

3rd Quadrant  South/East Hemisphere 

one on one partnerships marraig

8th House(+)

Succedant Fixed  Water Ending 

Scorpio  Pluto “I Desire”

3rd Quadrant  South/East 

others peoples money research  investigation occult  and taboo subjects

Ninth House

9th House (-)

Cadent Mutable  Fire Life

Sagittarius  Jupiter “I See”

3rd Quadrant  South/East Hemisphere 

higher education long distance travel philosophy and foreign lands.


Tenth House

10th House(+) Midhaven  (MC)

Angular  Cardinal Earth $

Capricorn  Saturn “I have”

4th Quadrant  South/West Hemisphere

status public arena career

Eleventh House

11th House(-)

Succedent  Fixed Air  Relationship

Aquarius  Uranus “I know”

4th Quadrant South/West Hemisphere

Hopes and dreams groups friendships

Twelfth House

12th House(+)

Cadent Mutable Water  Endings

Pisces Neptune “I Believe “

4th Quadrant South /East Hemisphere

seclusion jails institutions self undoing and spirituality






1~ 5~ 9


2~ 6~ 10

3rd House


3 ~7~ 11


4~ 8~ 12