New Moon
0° (Ascendant) conjunction or sun and moon in the same sign with the sun before the moon in zodiacal order. Beginnings~self-discovery ~affirmations ~intentions

Waxing Crescent
Sun Semi-square (45) the moon Intuition, Persistence, Opportunity, Evolution

First Quarter
(IC)Sun Square Moon(90) creativity, innovation, initiation

Waxing Gibbous
Sun Sesqui-quadrate moon(135) Vision, Preparation, Efficiency, Analysis
The WAXING aspects are BEFORE the opposition (180°)
WAXING / APPLYING aspect is one that’s about to happen. It’s APPROACHING the conjunction.
The new moon is the beginning, the squares are times of action, The full moon is the half way point of waxing versus waning energy.
0 is considered a new moon these people are good at new beginnings.planting seeds and determining whats needs to be cut before planting your seeds you have ability to determine whether or not the seeds have potential to grow. Eclipse babies are here to make a change you keep on creating new opportunity and have tremendous drive
45 is waxing crescent. these people are great leaders , good teachers if they act upon their ideas Quite inventive and can find solutions. They see what wasn’t seen very easily.People are drawn to this energy so use it wisely you can help others to heal.
90 First Quarter moon these are the risk takers and a powerful force. you can handle crisis and improve most situations. you all get shit done.You keep a lot hidden so your genius can be untapped and often are misread by others. You can look forward to saving the day.and can see right through most deceptions.
135 ° Gibbous builders and organizers. planning and details are important to you. you are set in your ways if you have a belief but you have something constructive to offer others. You are not about taking chances or non calculated risk and you guys love hard!
180 -is full moon phase and you are very emotional and have foresight and manifesting abilities. super intuitive , empathetic, psychics, spiritual leaders, You have a fruitful or abundant life overall and you guys can have some of the most meaningful relationships. You will continue to shine throughout life with your focus. You can shine or let there be light…. its up to you
The WANING aspects are AFTER the opposition and before the next new moon( more than 180°
WANING/ SEPARATING aspect is one that has already met its conjunction point and is getting further AWAY.
235° disseminating moon people are do gooders and have their emotions in check but they feel some kind of way about any and every action. They inspire people to do what is right. they are sensitive but their sensitivity bring about a good energy towards the masses.
270° is last quarter square you guys always want to help and can be good listeners to the few that they let inside. People don’t really know who you are and that’s how you like it. Taking care of others or living by another’s standards is challenging and will effect your life immensely. You keep your emotions to yourself and have a hard time letting go. You stay attached to the good memories and don’ want to let go of or forgive the bad
315° balsamic these people can seem dissolutioned. they are very spiritual. emotionally not grounded .but they are breaking cycles of karmic crap all the time these people give you hope that there is something better.

Full Moon
(DC) Sun opposite Moon (180) illumination, awareness, realization, experience

Waning Gibbous
Disseminating Moon Sun Inconjunct the Moon (235°) communication, sharing perspective ,demonstration

Last Quarter
(MC) Sun square the moon (270°) integration, responsibilities ,completion, realignment

Waning Crescent
Balsamic Sun semi Square the moon (315) transformation, renewal contemplation
The progressed moon cycle can help you make decisions to get the best potential from your chart during transits. So if the native is having a progressed full moon phase they can respond accordingly . For example , this is not a time to plant seeds or planning, This is where you see the fruit of your labor.
The 1st new moon after your birth will represent the progressed new moon and the complete cycle last about 30 years. Because of this you can see themes over the years and throughout the cycle.
Along with the natal chart potential the progressed new moon depicts the basic type of activity needed for your personal development.
The house and the sign highlighted will be of significance. They will indicate your general attitude and what area of life your focused on.
Progressed planets at 29° or 0° will also play a major role in your development . Any progressed planets on angles, peregrine, singleton, or in an aspect configuration should be noted as well; especially those
that aspect natal planets. Thus will be where opportunities to make better decisions arise.
Some people have the cycle begin very early since the new moon after birth is only few days away. 1 day equal 1 year therefore a new moon 25 days after birth equates to your progressed moon cycle will begin at age 25. Then in 29,5 years at around age 55 the new new cycle will begin.