Usually we discuss the function of the sign but I want to discuss the logistics.
The signs of the zodiac are comprised of 30° each. (12 X 30 =360/the circumference of the birth chart )
the first and last degree of each sign are of significant they are known as the critical and anaretic degrees 0 and 29 degrees respectively.There are also specific degrees that are known for having significance in the natives life and they are as follows: for the Cardinals sign 13 & 26 for the Fixed signs 8-9 & 21 22 for the Mutable signs 4 & 17,
each sign that consists of 30° can be broken down into three 10° section known as decans the first Decan is the first 10 degrees of a sign the second decan is the middle 10 the third decan is the last 10 of a sign
The same 360° can be also looked at as a 24 hour clock. Day (northern hemisphere) and night(southern hemisphere). A sun set (descendant)and the sun rise(ascendant) the nighttime signs are Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces the daytime signs are Aries Taurus Gemini cancer Leo and Virgo the sunset/DC sign is Libra the sunrise sign/ASC is Aries the noontime sign/MC is Capricorn the midnight sign/IC is Cancer.
The birth chart can also be divided by seasons (winter spring summer and fall ) into 4 quadrants. Each season/Quadrant will have one sign per mode. So that’s one Cardinal one fixed and one mutable sign per season or quadrant of the birth chart. The cardinal signs are Aries Cancer Libra and Capricorn the fixed signs are Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius the mutable signs are Gemini Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces. The spring signs are Aries Taurus and Gemini the summer signs are cancer Leo and Virgo the fall signs are Libra Scorpio and Sagittarius the winter signs are Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces.
Each of the four elements fire earth air and water contain three signs each the fire signs are Aries Leo Sagittarius the Earth signs are Taurus Virgo Capricorn the air signs are Gemini Libra and Aquarius the water signs are cancer Scorpio and Pisces.
the signs will be either active or passive the active signs are Aries Gemini Leo Libra Sagittarius and Aquarius the pastor signs are Taurus cancer Virgo Scorpio Capricorn and Pisces.
The signs with their associated degree and aspect: Aries 0 conjunction Taurus 30 semi sextile Gemini 60 sextile Cancer 90 Square Leo 120 trine Virgo 150 quincunx Libra180 opposition Scorpio 210 Queen conch Sagittarius 240 trying Capricorn 270 Square Aquarius 300 sextile Pisces 330 semi sextile.