Northern Hemisphere: Houses 1 to 6 (ASC to DC)
Q1: Houses 1, 2 & 3 (ASC to IC)
Q2: Houses 4, 5, & 6 IC to DC
Southern Hemisphere: Houses 7 to 12 (DC to ASC)
Q3: Houses 7, 8 & 9 (DC to MC)

eIGTH house
Other people’s money ~ taxes~ inheritance~ transformation~DEATH~regeneration~ sex~ OCCULT~RESEARCH~

NiNTH house
Philosophy ~faITH~ Justice~Higher Learning ~long distance travel ~optimism~ foreign lands~
Q4: Houses 10, 11 & 12 (MC to ASC)

eLEVENth house
Friends~ hopes dreams ~wishes ~bonuses~ social groups~ networking ~long-term goals

Jails ~hospitals ~institutions~betrayal secrets~ subconscious mine~ hidden actions.